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I’m Bill Vassilopoulos, the author of Following The Fire. You can purchase my book here.

Drowning to Death

Waterboarding, or "water torture," is a brutal practice in which an interrogator straps a prisoner to a board, places a wet rag in their mouth, and pours water through the rag to induce controlled drowning. This type of torture has been practiced by many countries, including the United States at Guantanamo Bay. It has been used against terror suspects by the CIA in "black site" prisons. Waterboarding was developed after the Vietnam War, with Vietnam and North Korea using these torture practices on American soldiers. This practice continues today, despite it being considered a war crime (

Since 2016, MAiD has been seen as compassionate and empathetic care in Canada. People too distressed to live now have the option to end their struggles. This is the same option that the Nazis’ Euthanasia Program started with, viewing euthanasia as a form of compassion and care to end the lives of people with mental illness or any kind of disability, as they kept adding categories of which groups could qualify during World War II. When the world found out about this despicable practice, it was appalled.

Recently, an Italian anesthesiologist with 25 years of experience testified before a subcommittee because he was concerned that sodium thiopental was going missing. In Italy, sodium thiopental is banned and illegal under EU laws, which prohibit the use of any drug for the purpose of execution. However, in Canada and the USA, it was allowed to be used for the death penalty for criminals.

An anesthesiologist uses sodium thiopental as the first step for MAiD patients to put them under. As this story unfolds, under the Freedom of Information Act, a journalist obtained over 300 autopsies of people who died by execution in the USA over the last decades. They found that 85% of those who died had excessive water in their lungs and died by a form of slow drowning—similar to people who are waterboarded. These were not overview files; they were in-depth files. The reason people in Canada seem peaceful when they are dying is that they are given a paralytic drug first, which completely paralyzes their bodies from moving or talking, and their lungs start drowning. We don’t know if they could be screaming because they were under this paralytic. (Watch Jordan B Peterson clip called ‘The Horrifying Truth Behind MAID They Aren’t Telling You”).

In my previous blog, "The Uncomfortable Truths About California vs. Canada in Aid-in-Dying: Perspectives," I discussed the time frame it takes for people to die from MAiD drugs. It ranged from minutes to hours.

In my eight years of blogging and writing a book called Eyes Above the Water regarding suicide and mental health, I have discovered that we really don’t learn our lessons from history, and people quickly forget that there are monsters out there who fantasize about slowly torturing and killing others. MAiD doesn’t appear to me to be a compassionate or merciful act of care. Canada needs to investigate the MAiD drugs that are administered to many innocent people and get to the bottom of this cruelty and terror. Thankfully, it was recently decided that people with mental health disorders and children over the age of 12 are now off the list for MAiD, but only until 2027, when these groups will be revisited to see if they qualify.

It pains me to write blogs like this, because to me every human life is so precious and valuable. I thank God every day that He sent His One and Only Son to save us from perishing and to give us an eternal life of peace with him, when we leave this body and earth behind us.

Warmly your friend,

Bill Vassilopoulos

A True Story Of Conquering Addiction And Overcoming Suicidal Thoughts